Fall 2024
The BABL welcomes new M.Res student Kezhu Niu and new postgraduate research associate Jocelyn!
Welcome back to BABL undergraduates Maya, Lea and Destiny!
BABL PGAs Michèle and Zoe present posters at the Yale Postgraduate Symposium, well done!
BABL PhD students Kathy Ayala and Kathryn Wall are awarded travel awards from the International Society for Developmental Psychobiology.
Spring 2024
BABL undergraduate students Julia Sulkowski (Yale '24) and Michelle Torres Almache (Yale '24) completed their bachelors degrees. Congratulations Julia and Michelle!
Masters students Zoe Howell and Maisha Hossain complete their M.Res degrees and stay in the lab as postgraduate research associates. We're so excited to continue working with you!
Postdoctoral fellow Dr. Winnie Orchard completed her postdoctoral position in the Yale Child Study Center this spring. Congratulations, we will miss you!
Congratulations to PGA Claudia Gaebler for acceptance to UConn's Clinical Psychology PhD program! We're so proud of you!
Congratulations to PGA and former M.Res student Josephine Levy for acceptance to McGill's Clinical Psychology PhD program! We're so happy for you!
PGA Victoria Hart-Derrick accepts a new research position. Congratulations Victoria!
Dr. Amanda Lowell has accepted a new position. Congratulations Amanda, we will miss you!
BABL postdoctoral associate Dr. Clíona Kelly was the recipient of the 2024 Kavli Postdoctoral Award for Academic Diversity for her project investigating mother-infant interactions combining immersive virtual reality and EEG. Congratulations Clíona!
Fall 2023
The BABL is excited to welcome our new members, postdoctoral associate Dr. Clíona Kelly, PhD student Daniel McGlade, Masters students Maisha Hossain and Zoe Howell, undergraduate student Julia Sulkowski, and postgraduate research associates Michèle Day and Amorine Adodo! We're so happy to have you all!
The BABL received a new NICHD R21 grant titled Social Connectedness in the Transition to Parenthood: Implications for Parent and Child Health and Well-Being with Dr. Katherine Nelson-Coffey.
PhD student Kathryn Wall was awarded a Yale Women's Faculty Forum Seed Award to support her work on understanding barriers faced by women participating in maternal neuroscience research.
Summer 2023
The BABL received a new NICHD R01 grant titled Neural mechanisms of psychological risk on mother and infant adjustment in African American and European American families with Dr. Ashley Groh.
Spring 2023
Postdoctoral fellows Dr. Francesca Penner and Dr. Tal Yatziv completed their postdoctoral positions in the Yale Child Study Center this spring/summer. Dr. Penner will be joining Baylor University as an Assistant Professor in the Psychology Department and Dr. Yatziv will be joining Ben-Gurion University as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology. Congratulations both, we are so proud of you!
Masters students Rachel Shin and Josephine Levy completed their MRes in Developmental Neuroscience and Psychopathology. Both Rachel and Josephine will be staying with the BABL as postgraduate research associates. Congratulations both, we're so excited to continue working with you!
BABL undergraduate students Brooke Casey (Yale '23) and Michèle Day (University of New Haven '23) completed their bachelors degrees. Congratulations Brooke and Michèle!
BABL PhD Student Kathy Ayala completed her qualifying exam this semester. Congratulations on this major accomplishment Kathy!
PhD Student Kathryn Wall was awarded an NIH F31 to complete her dissertation research on maternal and environmental substance exposure effects on child development.
Postgraduate Research Associate Victoria Hart-Derrick was given the Elizabeth A. Klonoff Award the Diversifying Clinical Psychology Conference. Well done Victoria!
BABL Postdoc Dr. Li Yan McCurdy was awarded the Yale Mentoring Award for postdoctoral scholars. Congratulations Dr. McCurdy, very well deserved!
Postdoctoral Associate Dr. Winnie Orchard was awarded a Yale Women's Faculty Forum Seed Award to support her work on understanding experiences of cognitive change in early motherhood.
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